Real Results

Performance By The Numbers

Vero® Conventional System

Achieves Zero Rejected Joints While Running More Than 1,200 Connections


  • Reduce the number of rejected joints when running premium completion strings for an onshore gas well.
  • Minimize rig-up time and rig-down time to prepare for completion running operations.
  • Enhance safety by reducing the number of required personnel to make up and evaluate the completion connections.

Our Approach

  • The Weatherford automated connection integrity specialist met with the customer’s completion personnel to discuss operational requirements for the tubular running operation. Weatherford introduced the Vero conventional 7.6-30 system to demonstrate its computer-controlled automatic makeup and autonomous evaluation process.
  • After demonstrating the value of the system, the customer decided to use it and compare its capabilities against traditional tubular makeup systems from Weatherford.
  • The crew rigged up and tested the Vero equipment in a workshop with the customer representatives as witnesses.
  • Later at the rigsite, the crew deployed the conventional system on the drilling rig.
  • By applying real-time torque monitoring and adaptive speed control, the system successfully made up more than 1,200 connections and saved more than 10 connection rejections compared to industry averages.

Value to Customer

  • The Vero conventional system enabled the customer to eliminate, rather than merely reduce, rejected joints when making up more than 1,200 connections.
  • The system not only improved connection integrity, but also minimized rig time. In fact, the crew reduced both rig-up and rig-down times by 25% compared to previous operations.
  • With its automation capabilities, the system enhanced safety by using 25% fewer personnel in general and 50% fewer personnel for heat stress management when compared to the previous traditional system.

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* VAM Top is a registered trademark of Vallourec Oil and Gas France. 



Arabian Sea, Qatar

Well Type

Onshore, gas

Casing Size And Type

7-in., 29-lb/ft VAM TOP® HT


Vero® Conventional System Achieves Zero Rejected Joints While Running More Than 1,200 Connections

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