Well Abandonment and Slot Recovery
Extend productive life and abandon with confidence
Maximize the productive life of declining assets with single-source services designed to reclaim production slots for accessing untapped reserves. Then take advantage of industry-exclusive technologies designed to help operators conduct efficient, safe, and reliable well decommissioning.
Extend productive life and maximize asset value before final decommissioning with the leading compilation of P&A and slot-recovery technologies and expertise—powered the exclusive casing-recovery systems from Trident® and Titan®.

We offer a total-systems approach to mechanical cement-plug placement. Anchored by our abandonment specialists, we provide a complete cement-plug package that includes our industry leading top-drive cementing head, dart catcher tool, darts, and a diverter shoe. Our systems enable correct placement of multiple high-quality cement plugs, reduce the number of trips required to set multiple plugs, and avoid cement contamination.

Our conductor-removal teams deliver service excellence for any asset, including multi-wells, single-jack platforms, and mono-wells. Our single-source services leverage our Rig-Free pulling and jacking units to provide cost-efficient pulling, boring, pinning, sawing, and cleaning operations for conductors up to 36 in.