AlphaV Single-Trip, Casing-Exit System
The Step-Change in Cased-Hole Sidetracking
The AlphaV single-trip casing-exit system delivers reliable sidetracking in onshore and offshore wells requiring a full-bore exit—through single or multiple strings. For the first time in the industry, Weatherford presents a whipstock system that does not utilize a shear bolt to release the milling assembly from the whipstock, once set—eliminating the risk of premature shearing while running in hole.
Eliminate the Wellbore Preparation Run and Double Trip Speed
Add unprecedented accuracy, speed, and value with exclusive technologies that streamline rigfloor operations and expedite processes.
are positioned below the whipstock anchor and remove the need for a dedicated wellbore preparation run, saving valuable rigtime.
mounts below barrier and ensures packer is set in clean environment for reliable whipstock performance.
creates a robust connection between the milling BHA and whipstock assembly—allowing for virtually unlimited tripping speed while navigating in and out of hole.
allows for 100K lbs compressive loading, 80K lbs tensile loading, and 20K ft-lbs torque for extreme rigidity.

Eliminate Risk of Accidental Shear-Off
Improve performance and safety with proven procedures that remove hazards associated with conventional whipstocks while ensuring repeatable results.
provides alternative method over conventional shear bolt for releasing milling BHA and delivers high-torque and load-bearing capabilities for increased tripping rates while removing risk of accidental shear-off.
is machined into the concave to ensure predictable, consistent, and repeatable shear values for secondary release. (Load rating is 100,000 lbs)
enhances safety in tripping operations when abrupt workstring movements can cause premature shear release of the whipstock assembly.
withstands harsh downhole environments including rugose boreholes, liner-laps, and high DLS.
enables reliable, consistent offshore capabilities, even during extreme weather conditions.

Quickly Mill a Full-Bore Window and Rathole
Create ideal window geometry compatible with any drilling/liner program—regardless of casing size, grade, depth, or inclination—for added precision and speed.
improves penetration rates and gauge-retention to minimize trips related to mill-gauge loss.
provide interference-free, liner-and-tieback installation.
provides hydraulic calculations and helps plan and execute re-entry operations with real-time, 24/7, SME support and supervision.
improves milling performance and yields faster penetration rates in tough-to-drill formations.