Successful Pipe Recovery Solutions in Unique Stuck Scenarios for Coiled Tubing and Downhole Completions


A. AlMarzooqi; A. M. Faqir; K. K. Nasr; S. Bana; I. Baca Espinoza; C. Garzon; A. Abushamat


SPE - Society of Petroleum Engineers

Publication Date

October 2, 2023


ADIPEC, Abu Dhabi, UAE, October 2023

Paper ID



Considering the advancement of smart completions getting stuck downhole is a high risk in today's working environment. To avoid incurred costs in a rig and rig spread rates, it is eminent to have reliable and quick pipe recovery tools (PRT) and methods for special cases. To complete this challenge the nonexplosive plasma punchers and cutters play an important role.

Convectional PRT utilizes HAZMAT materials and involves both HSE and logistical challenges increasing the delivery times to the wellsite for direct execution. This step is bypassed for non-explosive plasma PRT. The slim coiled tubing (CT) recovery puncher and cutter range from ¾″ to 1″ in size; applicable on 1 ¾″ - 2″ CT produces a clean cut for further fishing intervention. For unconventional cases where the standard tools cannot pass the slimmer PRT is required. Finally, a serious challenge is packer mandrels with cut/release windows < 1-2ft could be addressed by plasma PRT.

The Adnoc Offshore real results include 4 successful CT recovery operations mobilized in under 24 hours and successfully executed as low as 10 hours of operating time. The plasma PRT also helped to recover the stuck dual completions with small restrictions and managed to cut at points with deviation >80 degrees. Moreover, the PRT can cut in any pipe condition such as in neutral, compression, or under tension allowing to perform the job prior to the rig move. Having the ability to cut in restrictive conditions with high accuracy, more than 100's successful nonexplosive PRT punchers and plasma cutter run with very high success rates.

The non-explosive PRT can be air shipped by chopper to offshore locations minimizing downtime on logistics such as vessel availability, and weather challenges. It is fulfilling the governmental security requirements for HAZMAT logistics, storage, and handling that are restrictive to the explosives or chemicals PRTs.